Curtin, ACT
Curtin is located central to Canberra and offers beautiful suites for your cat to stay in whilst you travel. With outdoor enclosures in a garden setting your cat will feel right at home.
Every single cat that we have the pleasure of caring for is respected for being an individual. During their stay with us we get to know them and we strive to build a relationship with them. Whether they are playful, shy, boisterous, adventurous or just simply love to snooze...

If you have more than one cat or would simply like more room for your cat to move around in, we also have the option of two adjoining units. Therefore your cat(s) can walk between two units through a door allowing them space from each other but leaving them the option of cuddling up if they feel like some company.
Curtin Cat Care is temperature controlled throughout summer and winter.
Outdoor Enclosures and other entertainment
We have two outdoor, fully enclosed leisure areas surrounded by a beautiful garden. We've been developing it for the past 20 years so it could become a home for many species of birds. We give cats a unique opportunity to reconnect with their "wild" roots yet keeping nature safe. Birds are offered a lot of different snacks on daily basis to keep them healthy and happy, so they can entertain our little furry clients. Cockatoos, magpies, rosellas, currawongs, king parrots, anthochaeras, silvereyes, wattlebirds and bowerbirds are just the top of the list. Your cat children will be offered an opportunity to observe all these amazing species on daily basis while with us.